I'm not much of a trend following kind of person. Just look in my closet, and you'll see that. I will admit that I was sort of intrigued reading some of their posts that related back to their one word, and I couldn't decide if I thought it was a great idea or a stupid idea.
And now, I think I have a "Word of the Year." And I still am unsure if it's a good idea or a really lame idea.
I came across my "word" accidentally. I was dusting a couple of days ago, which doesn't happen often. Dusting is my most hated chore, and I'm the queen of making my house look clean without doing a good dusting. I'd rather clean bathrooms than dust. I think my mother traumatized me when I was a kid and dusting was one of my chores. My mother is and always has been a major knick knack person, and when I dusted, she expected all of her little knick knacks to be put back in the "right" spot. Most of them were breakable, and I lived in fear of breaking something. I remember as a kid picking up all the little perfume bottles and other things one by one and putting them on her bed in the same place as they were in on her dresser so that I could put them all back in their proper spot after I dusted her dresser. I know, there are so many things wrong with that scenario. First of all, I would never make my children dust my room. I'll dust my own room once or twice a year thank you very much. Second of all, I am not sure why I wasn't smart enough to just pick up each little trinket, dust under it, and then put it right back down. I'm smarter now, and that is how I usually dust.
Thankfully, I have a daughter who loves to dust, crazy girl that she is, and so I don't often dust myself. The other day though, I was dusting. Not sure why, other than I do like the way my house smells when it is freshly dusted.
And once again, I digress. Digress should be my middle name.
I have a smallish collection of Willow Tree Angels that various people have given me, and as I was dusting one of them, I happened to notice that on the bottom it says "Serenity." And I thought, "Wow, that would be an awesome word of the year for someone!" And that thought evolved into, "Hey, maybe I should jump on the 'Word of the Year' bandwagon (or crazy train, one of the two). And so it is. I moved my "Serenity" Willow Angel to my kitchen window sill. I thought that would be a good spot since I spend so much time in the kitchen. So here she sits, with a huge weight on her tiny little shoulders, to inspire me to be "serene" in the coming year:
Remember when I wrote about how I don't make New Year's resolutions because I fizzle and sputter out just days into the new year? Well, obviously, I've done so again. How many days did I keep up with my goal to post one thing each day that was awesome about that day? Well, I've sucked at that I know. Every day, I remind myself that I need to do it, and then I don't. I'm a slacker. So, I will try to catch up.
*We had a snow day this week. While I hate winter/snow/cold, I do find some pleasure in a snow day. Notice I said "A" snow day. Too many, and I don't enjoy them. But I did enjoy the snow day this week. I stayed in my pjs all day. I baked homemade cinnamon rolls. The kids and I played many games of Yahtzee. It was an awesome day. And I hope we don't have another snow day this year.
*I tried a new soup recipe yesterday that was so delicious. I love making soup in the winter, and I love finding a new recipe.
*Okay, this is silly, but on Monday when I did my daily Bejeweled Blitz spin for points, I got a million for the first time ever.
*This is even sillier. Yesterday, I found out that one of my coworkers recently purchased a steamer to remove the wallpaper in her kitchen. Today, she brought it to me to borrow. So tomorrow, that nasty picked apart wallpaper in my living room should be GONE.
*I know I am really stretching here, but that is just the kind of week it's been. I'll try to do better from now on.