I'm in denial that summer is not almost over!
I have really been thoroughly enjoying these final days of
summer, and every time I see a yellowing tree, I want to scream, “No, no NO!! I
am not ready for summer to go!”
I usually welcome fall with arms outstretched to the clear
blue sky and a feeling of, “Ahhhhh! A break from sweating!” But, summer this
year was slow to arrive, and once it did, it flew by so fast, and I am not
ready for it to end. It’s like summer arrived, I blinked, and then poof! It is now almost gone. It doesn’t help my
mood that a hard winter is predicted for our area, and we all know how I feel
about winter.
While I am denying the end of summer is near, I am doing my
best to soak up and enjoy every last green leaf, vibrant flower, warm breeze,
and taste of summer produce I possibly can.
*One of the first things I do each year as the calendar page
turns to September is buy myself a bouquet of sunflowers from Schnucks. That
happy little vase of sunshine-y loveliness is well worth the $10 it costs. When
one bundle fades away, I buy another and another, right up until it’s time to
decorate for Christmas. Sunflowers have been one of my favorite flowers for a
long time, even before I knew that they are named what they are because they
turn on their stems each day to face the sun. A vase of them on my kitchen
table reminds me to be like a sunflower always look for the sunshine.
*Speaking of sunflowers, two weeks ago, I visited a 40-acre
sunflower farm with two old friends. I have never seen anything like it, and I
took so many photos. They don’t come close to showing how impressive this field
was. It was hard to get good photos because of the time of day we were there,
but wow. So beautiful.
Afterwards, we quenched our thirst at a winery down the
Adirnondack chairs. A pond overlooking the vineyards. A
delicious glass of wine. Old friends. A late summer Saturday afternoon.
*I have been making myself go for long walks a few times
each week. My weight loss seems to have stalled, causing me to have to add in some
exercise rather than get frustrated and give up. Thankfully, I have a couple of
quiet, pleasant walking spots I stop at before I get home. Once I am home, the
game is over, I am lazy, and my best intentions are given up on. So, I have
been taking walking clothes and shoes with me to work, changing at the office,
and then getting my daily exercise in before I go home. I tradeoff between
Creve Coeur Lake and the river front in St. Charles, depending on my mood.
Either place works because I find being near the water so relaxing, even if I
am walking fast and sweating. If I have a choice of bodies of water, I prefer
the beaches of the Gulf of Mexico over the Missouri River, but I am grateful
for what I have near me—lake or river. Some days, I am tempted to blow it all
off and go home instead, (and some days, I do just that!). Work has been
stressful lately, and on the days that I don’t give in to my desire to be lazy,
I always enjoy my walk and feel revived once I get home. The scenery does help!
When I go to the lake, there are always flocks of ducks and a couple of high
school crew teams practicing.
*End of summer means my girl’s birthday as summer
transitions to fall. 22 years ago, expecting a baby girl, I envisioned birthday
cakes with flowers and pink frosting. And I made those cakes for a few years. However,
she is partial to pie, so every year, she requests and apple pie. Her birthday
is today, but she is spending it with friends on a float trip, so she came home
last weekend just so I could make her birthday pie. It made my heart do a
little pitter patter to know that birthday tradition is still important to her.
*Yesterday, I had the opportunity to go to a luncheon
fundraiser that my boss had tickets to but was unable to attend. Thankfully, a
coworker whose company I greatly enjoy went with me, and I really can’t think
of a more perfect way to have spent the last day of summer. Just LOOK at this place!
(How can I have lived here for 27 years and never gone to this wonderfully
picturesque place that is less than 20 miles from my home? HOW??
Very puzzling. But, without a doubt, I will be making more
visits to Wine Country Gardens!
It was a blazing hot day (in the high 90s with gross
humidity that made it feel more like mid-July than late September), lunch was
outside, and we sweated like crazy and fanned ourselves with flimsy pieces of
paper, but I didn’t care. We drank wine, chatted and laughed with the other
ladies at our table, and had a delightful afternoon that was a decadent break
from the same old work crap.
Days like yesterday make me wish that days like yesterday
happened more often.
And days like yesterday make me wish it wasn’t the end of
September with winter right around the corner.