My favorite coffee is peppermint, and it is only sold around the holidays, so when it’s gone from the shelves, it’s gone. The other day, I noticed one bag left at the grocery store, so I grabbed it.
I don’t usually buy summer fruit like strawberries and peaches and tomatoes in the winter because they just don’t taste the same when they are shipped from Mexico or grown in a greenhouse as they do fresh from the vine or tree in the summer. But I was craving one of my favorite salads…spinach, strawberries, crumbled bacon, avocado, feta cheese and pecans, topped with poppy seed dressing. So I spent way too much money on a way too small container of strawberries that didn’t even taste that great. The poppy seed dressing disguised the sourness of the strawberries, and I pretended it is summer, even though yesterday was barely 20 degrees.
A red door
THIS is what I did when Tony was away last week. And whew, what a job it turned out to be! A few months ago, I saw a picture on a home decorating website of an entry hall that was painted a buttery yellow, the trim was white, and the front door was red. And I loved it. I have lots of red things in my house…red and white checked curtains in the kitchen, a lamp with a red shade, a red couch in the family room…red dining room walls…so the red front door really grabbed my attention. My front door has never been anything but white, but I couldn’t get the thought of that red front door out of my head. I imagined Tony thinking I was crazy, so I didn’t mention it. Last week when he was in Atlanta, I decided that was the time to paint the door. As the first coat of paint went on
I thought I was going to hate it. It was a few shades brighter than Pepto Bismol, and I was wishing I would have listened when the man in the paint department at Lowes told me I would need a primer if I didn’t want to paint a shitload of coats. Well, he didn’t actually say “shitload,” but I wish that he would have, because then, I would have bought primer instead of thinking, “What’s the big deal? It’s a door. I have an entire gallon of paint.
My mistake. Yeah, it’s just a door. However, I started painting the door Monday night. It’s now Sunday night, and it still needs another coat or two of paint. I have no idea how many coats of paint are on that door. I lost track at 50.
That good thing is that I LOVE it. And here is the almost-finished-door. Ignore the few little red marks on the white trim. I will fix those when I am finished. The shadows make it look weird, but it really is pretty striking. And the best part? Tony actually likes it!
Of course. What post of mine would be complete without some mention of something I baked?
At Christmas time, I found a recipe for some really fun cookies on a cooking blog, but I didn’t have the chance to make them. They are called Spiral Sprinkle Cookies, and they were a mixture of red and white cookie dough rolled up, coated in colorful sprinkles, sliced and then baked.
Here is my version:
It’s been gloomy around here, so I decided to make them in sunny colors. I also added lemon extract to the orange part. They tasted so yummy…a lightly crispy, really buttery, melt-in-your-mouth cookie. I think I am going to rename them Sunshiny Spiral Cookies. I won't say how many of those little swirls of sunshine I ate. Thankfully, Lauren had 3 friends over last night, and they polished off a good number of them.
That’s all for tonight.
And wow, this is my 4th post here this week!
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