I didn't write anything yesterday because I didn't have time. I am swamped with work...I was in the office from 8-4:30, and I worked several more hours at home. By the time I had a free minute to write, it was late and I was falling asleep at my computer.
If I would have written yesterday, these are the things I would have written about. First of all, my car is fine, thanks to my husband. He discovered something dumb that he hadn't checked, and I won't say what it is, because it was REALLY dumb. He knows that, and most of you who are reading this know him and I don't want to embarrass him because he is a really good guy. But, he figured it out, and for now, my van is functioning. It's rather old, so who knows for how long, but I'm not going to think about that right now.
So that was a good thing. Yesterday was a long day, and I honestly couldn't fit any fun in, but all day, I kept thinking to myself "Thank God my car is fine...Thank God my car is fine..." I chanted that instead of my "dance in the rain, Rose" chant. I really thought that was enough for the day, but I decided last night to do something else. I started a gratitude journal. I did that years ago, and I really enjoyed it, and I decided now was the perfect time to do it again. Every night, I'm going to make myself write 5 things I am grateful for. I'm sure it will be a struggle some days, but I will do it, even if the only things I can write are things like "I'm grateful this day is over" or "I'm grateful my dog didn't kill any baby bunnies and drop them at my feet today."
Speaking of dogs dropping dead bunnies at my feet...my dog definately danced in the rain yesterday. He loves chasing things...flies, other dogs, people...but his favorite thing to chase is the rabbits that nest under our shed. I really do think that rabbits must be the dumbest animals there are. I mean really, why would rabbits continue to inhabit a place where they are daily chased by a German Shepherd? I've even caught the dog on numerous occasions squeezing his body under the shed trying to get at the nest. If I had some big hairy beast trying to invade MY home on a daily basis, I'd move.
So Rudy loves chasing rabbits, and every once in a while, he actually catches one. I hate that, because he kills them of course when he catches them. Although I shouldn't hate it because that means there is one less rabbit to eat my hostas and flowers. Fortunately, he doesn't eat them like our last dog did. That was gross, because they made her sick. I won't subject you to the details of that. You'll just have to trust me. Rudy doesn't eat them. He just kills them and then brings them to the door, drops them, and then barks. And then sits there all proud, wagging his tail. If it wasn't so gross, it would be cute.
I thought this was going to be a short post, but it's turning out not to be. I need a tshirt that says "I'm writing and I can't shut up!"
I'll keep the rest brief. Today, I watched the sun rise from my kitchen window. I don't seem to be able to sleep past 5 AM these days, and I often watch the sun rise. Today, it was really pretty, and while I waited for my coffee to brew, I watched the sunrise instead of going to the couch with a quilt to watch some dumb show in tv. I watch too many of those early in the morning anyway. I took a picture of it...here it is. I'm not the best photographer, but I dream of being one.
UGH. I wish I was better at this computer/blog stuff, because I tried to insert the picture right after I said how much I dream of being a photographer, but it ended up at the top. Oh well. That is the sunrise I watched out of my kitchen window at around 5:30 this morning.
I did one other thing today too. Silly probably. Don't laugh. Although if you do, I won't know it. So laugh if you want, but don't tell me that you laughed, okay?
I love to knit. I taught myself about 3 years ago. I don't knit anything all that cool mainly because I'm too chicken to attempt anything that isn't a square or rectangle. So I've knitted scarves and dishclothes and that's about it. I actually LOVE knitted dishcloths and will probably never buy a discloth at the store again. I used to laugh at my aunt for making them, but they really are awesome. I haven't made any for a while. Today, I went to Michaels and bought 3 bundles of cotton yarn to make some fallish dishcloths. I can't post a picture since I haven't made them yet.
Okay...I think I am done with this post.
I didn't laugh but it brought a smile to my face. I could never laugh at something that helped you. Can't wait to see those pics. Glad the car is ok. One weight has been lifted.