So...I have been trying all week to look on the bright side of life. I thought that after my post about a bowl of popcorn I couldn't write about something any more ridiculous, but I was wrong. Feast your eyes on this:
My feet. I am pretty sure you'd rather read about popcorn and old melamine bowls...
So my whole point in starting this was to find ways to enjoy simple things in the midst of awfulness., even though I had a million and ten things to do and accomplish, I decided to take the time to give myself a pedicure. I haven't done that in a long time. So, that is a picture of my pedicured feet in my favorite sandals. If you see dog hair on the floor, try to ignore it.
I have also made myself take time this week to enjoy the unusually cool weather we have been given and spent a bit of time each morning on my porch with a book and a cup of coffee.
AND, I have enjoyed an abundance of summer vegetables and fruit...especially tomatoes. I love tomatoes, but only in the summer and only home grown. I could eat them like an apple. I don't, but I could. This week, I have bought an assortment of homegrown: Tomatoes, watermelon, cantelope, sweet corn, strawberries, and cucumbers. I would have taken pictures of it all, but I ate them before I could...
I'm telling you, it's the little things that help us get through the day. Pedicures and fresh is good.