Tony does not share my love of them. I wish that I could have a row of them along the back of our fence, so that I can gaze upon them as I am in my kitchen doing dishes or cooking. I've begged and pleaded over the years for Tony to let me plant some, and he just won't give in. I sometimes wish I'd known before we were married how he feels about them because it may have been a deal breaker. (I kid!)
We actually did once live in a house with forsythia in the yard. A whole row of them. It was the house we moved into just before Brandon was born. The day we looked at the house was a sunny yet cold Sunday in March, and while I loved the house and the neighborhood, what sucked me in for good was the row of forsythia across the back fence. The backyard was huge, so there were lots of forsythia, and they were in full, glorious bloom.
A few weeks later when me moved into the house, the forsythia had finished showing off it's beautiful spring sunshiney-ness. But, I envisioned the following spring, when I would happily take pictures of our baby plopped on a blanket in front of those blooming bushes. So, imagine my surprise when one day not long after we had moved in, I came home from work, got out of my car, and heard a chainsaw in my backyard. I went through the gate wondering what the heck Tony was doing back there. There wasn't even a tree back there, so I couldn't imagine what he was doing with a chainsaw. I didn't know we even owned a chainsaw.
Well, I soon discovered that he had gone to Home Quarters and purchased a chainsaw that very day so he could cut down the forsythia bushes! After I stopped in my tracks just inside the gate and stared at him in stunned silence for a few moments, those raging pregnancy hormones that course through a woman's body when she is 8 months pregnant became raging pregnancy hormones on steriods. I started screaming at him, "What the HELLLLLLLL are you DOING??"
That is when I found out my husband hates forsythia as much as I love it. I wondered then and still do, how in the world can you hate something so cheerful? I also wondered what all of our new neighbors thought of me. It was a beautiful April day, lots of people were out in their yards, and here is this hugely pregnant woman shouting curse words at her husband. I think that is the one and only time in my life I have stood out in my yard screaming and cursing. Not one of my finer moments, that's for sure.
Anyway, since I don't have forsythias in my own yard, once I notice them blooming, I usually drive around looking for them. On Monday, I was on my way home from work and noticed a row of them on a hill in someone's front yard. So yesterday, I took my camera to work with me so I could stop and take a picture on my way home. It's not a very good photo, but since it was in someone's front yard, I didn't want to get too close. I didn't want the homeowner to look out the window and wonder why some crazy lady was taking pictures of their house.
Notice the little hyacinths blooming underneath the forsythia.
I also noticed this week that the neighbor behind us has some new forsythia bushes along the side of their house. So, I can stand at my kitchen window and enjoy their bushes. I still wish I had some of my own. I wonder what my husband would do if I just went to a nursery, bought some and planted them? I wonder if he would dare to again cut down my forsythia...
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