I will miss this someday, won't I? Someday,my kids will be grown and gone and I just KNOW I will miss the messy piles of crap they leave in their wake. I WILL I WILL I WILL.
I will.
Is that pile really only from 4 kids? Maybe it's from 4 octopuses considering the number of pairs of shoes.
I have a busy work weekend ahead of me. I've been running around like a maniac today trying to finish up laundry and get things in order since I won't be home much this weekend. But that is still the scene that is right inside my front door. While I really wanted to scream at my family like a crazed pmsing woman in need of some serious drugs...I stopped, took a picture, closed my eyes and tried to convince myself that someday, I will miss this pile of crap my children and husband leave just inside my front door each day.
I know the feeling. We have this ugly plastic kitchen set in our family room. I get excited thinking that one day soon, I get to get rid of it. Then I remind myself that it will mean my babies are growing up. Oh, but how I can't wait to see it out of here.