Sunday, February 13, 2011

My Spirit is Weary.

I know I am supposed to be writing only positive things here, but bear with me for a moment, and I will eventually. I'm even going to share a delicious new cookie recipe I tried today.

I know things could (and have been!) worse. Much worse...Tony has a job, he really enjoys it, and even found out this weekend that he may have another job offer, at a company he applied to back in August. If he gets this other job, we will be moving, and I'm not sure how I feel about that to be honest. Like I said, I KNOW things could be worse. But, at the same time, I am just tired of so many things being hard. I do my very best every day to keep a positive attitude, and it is becoming harder and harder to do.

Okay, that's enough whining. Onto the postive things!

In true Rose fashion, this morning when the house was quiet and I really had nothing pressing to do, I really just wanted to huddle under my Aunt Mary's raggedy quilt on the couch and watch movies all day. Knowing that if I did, it would depress me even more, I did what I always do...I decided to cook!

The first thing I did was check out my favorite food blog. It's called The Picky Palate, and I absolutely LOVE it. I have found more unique, yet simple recipes there...remember the chocolate peanut butter cupcakes from a few months ago? That recipe came from there. I was in the mood to bake cookies, but none of my go-to favorites sounded good. So, what do I find as the newest post on The Picky Palate? A recipe for Double White Chocolate Peanut Butter Pretzel Cookies with Sea Salt. Oh my have to try these...they are so yummy. I've eaten WAY too many of them already.

Switching gears...what a beautiful day it was. I went for a walk for the first time in...well...a long time. I even got brave and took the black beast along. Big mistake...I'm just thankful my shoulder is still in it's socket where it belongs.

That's all I got for today!


  1. I totally know what you mean about huddling under the quilt and watching movies. I have to resist that impulse when I'm feeling bad, too! I hope tomorrow will look a little brighter for you. Glad you got some cookies baked and a nice walk!

  2. Wow!!! I'm really behind in reading. This is from a few weeks ago. Any word about the job?
