Sunday, January 17, 2016

Easy Like Sunday

Easy Like Sunday…

I have somewhat of a love/hate relationship with Sundays. On one hand, I love them because they are typically slow-paced and quiet. That’s my favorite kind of Sunday, anyway, and while not every one of my Sunday’s IS that way, I sure cherish those that are.

Easy like Sunday mornings…

Tony leaves early on Sunday mornings for long runs with the dogs, Rachel and Justin usually sleep in late because it’s the one day a week no one has to be anywhere early. I normally awake pretty early, so that means I have lots of quiet time to read, crochet or watch a movie. When the weather is decent, I love settling into a rocking chair on the porch and when it's not, on the couch with a quilt and a steaming cup of coffee, relaxing in the knowing that I don’t have to rush off anywhere.

I also love Sunday mornings because it is the one day of week I can take the time to make a good breakfast, one that sometimes turns into brunch by the time everyone rousts themselves from sleep. I love the routine of making homemade cinnamon rolls or chocolate chip waffles or pumpkin muffins that we all eat in our pjs before we’ve showered and prepared ourselves for the day. I love the smell of bacon sizzling in the oven, and that is often what encourages the kids to rise and shine and call down the stairs, “Is that bacon I smell?” A cheesy eggy potato-y casserole baking in the crockpot when I wake up in the morning makes me downright giddy. What I love most of all about these Sunday breakfasts is that my family loves and looks forward to the comforting routine of them. Before anyone makes plans, they always ask me on Saturday night if I am making breakfast and if I can make it early before they leave. Justin has a newish girlfriend who often stays over on Saturday night because she lives kind of far away; it made my heart sing the first time she was staying and he told her, “Oh, you will love my mom-she makes awesome breakfasts on Sunday mornings!” He has been talking about moving out, and he told me a few weeks ago that Sunday breakfast will be what he most misses. He asked if he could still come over for breakfast if/when he does.

I love that.

I also love that my girls’ friends who often spend the night even ask me on Saturday night what breakfast I’m making the next morning. And when Lauren is home, as she is on this frosty winter Sunday, I love knowing that 3 of my 4 children are safe and snug under my roof.

This Sunday morning was especially a good one. Things in my life have been so hectic and crazy that I haven’t made many Sunday breakfasts lately. A couple of weekends, no one was home but me, and as much as I love a big breakfast, I don’t make them for myself. I’ve barely even been cooking dinner lately as I get home too late and too tired to do much more than throw some chicken nuggets and tater tots on a baking tray. Some days, that even seems like too much trouble, so we’ve been eating a lot of pizza. One night this week when I had to work late, Tony and Justin ate cereal for dinner.

 I hate that.

Life is still crazy, and I had a million other things I should have been doing today and yesterday, but Lauren was home, and I decided I was stepping away from all of the “I should be...” guilt and just enjoying the weekend. And it’s been so great, and very much (desperately!) needed. I spent the whole day yesterday with my girlie, then last night all of us, including Lauren’s best friend, Justin’s girlfriend and Rachel’s boyfriend, went bowling. Oh, we had so much fun. I knew everyone would be sleeping in this morning, but I of course was up before dawn. It was snowing, and oh so beautiful, and I decided to make a big batch of cinnamon rolls to surprise everyone. I haven’t made them in forever, and I found such comfort in sinking my hands into a huge, squishy pile of warm yeasty deliciousness.

I also took some time to work on a blanket I started crocheting back in the fall. I haven’t taken the time to work on it in months, and I love that it is now big enough that it serves two purposes…one, to warm my lap as I worked on this cold morning, and two, to soothe and calm me in a way that nothing else can.

It is afternoon now, and everyone is out and about, leaving me home with more quiet time. I sat down at my computer to do some work that I know I will regret not doing when tomorrow comes, but I couldn’t do it. I am not sure what drew me to write for my blog when I haven’t written here in over a year, but something did. And I decided to go with it. So, instead of doing work that needs to be done for my job, I started a load of laundry, made a pot of coffee, and settled in to write. I couldn’t think of a better way right now to spend a chilly, alone afternoon, and I am loving it.

The craziness of the week ahead will have to wait.  J

On another note, I started a “project” on January 1 that I am really having fun with. I decided that I am going to take a picture of something every day for the entire year. I have this new camera that is completely awesome, that I am mostly completely clueless how to use, and I have signed up for a class in February. I’m still in the phase of “oh, crap, I forgot to take a photo today” while scrambling, sometimes late at night, to figure out what to take a photo of, but I am hoping that it will soon become a habit.

Here are some of my favorite daily pics so far.

I have realized over the past few years that while it is quite a nice feeling to have all of the Christmas decorations put away and have the house clean and back in some sort of order, I miss the lights that I put everywhere. I miss driving up to my house and seeing it look so festive and welcoming. So, for the past few years, I’ve started leaving some things up, but giving them a winter vibe rather than a Christmas vibe. I leave out things snowman/snowflake related, and I try to incorporate a strand or two of Christmas lights that I leave up until closer to spring. (Indoors, only!) This is my favorite spot right now…my dining room. I plug in the lights each day as soon as I walk in the door from work.


I have been slowly collecting some fun new things to use in the kitchen, and these bowls make my heart smile every time I look at them. I put them to good use over the holiday season!



I had so much fun over the holidays trying some new recipes, and this was one of my favorites. I made these little beauties to take to an after-New-Year’s-party at my cousins. They were a bit time consuming, but they were sooooo tasty! I bought those cute little phyllo shells already made, cut up cubes of brie, topped them with a dab of cranberry sauce that I made, put a  few chopped pecans on top of that, drizzled them with a bit of maple syrup, and baked them until the cheese was melted. I will definitely be making these again.


There have been so many breathtaking sunrises and sunsets lately. I have no words to describe them, so I’m not even going to try. I will just let this picture speak for itself.


I took this one this morning. I can’t wait to get this blanket finished and snuggle up under it on chilly days. I will probably have to share it with the cat like I do all of my other blankets, but that’s okay. I love how this is turning out. (I seem to have a thing for polka dots, huh?)


I’m going to close with this...a necklace I bought for someone I have become very close to the past year. When I saw it in a shop in downtown St. Charles, I knew I had to buy it, but I couldn’t decide if I wanted to keep it or give it to her. I didn’t keep it, but I am going back to the shop and ask if she can make another one. (It is handmade) REFUSE TO SINK is a reminder I need, and even if I can’t get another necklace, I will be carrying that thought with me in the coming months. 

It feels really good to be back here writing.

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