Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I started off this day in pity party mode. No, I'm not going to write why because it's dumb and not important.

Remember my flowers from a few weeks ago? Last night, they still looked great. Rachel even said something to me that they were still pretty after such a long time. This morning, not so much, and they look like this now:

Which was perfect for how I was feeling this morning. A bit, or more than a bit, wilted. I should have known it was coming...the past weeks and months have been so full and busy and crazy, and with a few days of down time now, and nothing huge and pressing looming on the horizon, I guess you could say I sort of "crashed." I have been doing my very best to not be whiny and stay positive and that all almost went out the proverbial window this morning, and I wanted to curl up in bed and waste the day away. Thank goodness I don't have that heavenly bed that I posted about yesterday or I would have done just that.

Anyway, I'm not going to go into all that because that would totally defeat the purpose of this blog.

Instead of curling up and wallowing, I made homemade marshmallows. I have always wanted to do that but was sort of chicken about it. Yesterday, I made a batch of hot chocolate mix, and I thought today would be a good day to try out the marshmallow recipe. I have no idea how they turned out because the pan has to sit for 12 hours before you cut them, but I am hoping that this mess:

is worth it.

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