Wednesday, June 19, 2013

50 Lessons I Have Learned About Life

Wow, I can’t believe how long it’s been since I’ve written here. It’s not been for lack of subject matter, or even for lack of time or desire. I have written, or I should say, started to write, many things. I have a folder in my documents bursting with half written, or a fourth written, posts. Aww, heck who am I kidding…some of them have nothing more than a title.

I have no idea why I haven’t finished them. They mock me. Much like the old tub of unfinished sewing projects stored in a dark corner of my basement mocks me. At least a folder of unfinished writings on my computer didn’t cost any money like the tub of fabric in various stages of little girl dresses and tote bags and placemats did. There is a dress in that tub that I started making when Rachel was two, and next week, she will be 15. Yes, I said TWO. I swear, I am not making that up. I became frustrated late one night while trying to stitch in a sleeve, I put the dress aside, and I never found my way back to it.

I think that is how it is with my writing these days. I have so many topics I want to write about, but I’ve suffered from a severe and extremely frustrating case of writer’s block, and it is bugging the H E double hockey sticks out of me. I either have a great idea that I can’t quite come up with the words for, or I write, my fingers flying over the keys, when suddenly, my thoughts come to a screeching halt, like an invisible wall has slammed down in my brain, and I can go no further. That discourages me, so I put whatever I am trying to scratch out away in my blog post folder where it sits, eventually joined by many others. I hope to someday be inspired to complete some of them because if I do say so myself, I think they will be pretty good.

For now, I’m back. J I have no idea how long my next hiatus from blog writing will last, hopefully not long because I do miss writing. I really thought no one would even notice or care since it’s not like I have a huge following on my little ol’ blog, but a few people have asked me why I never write here anymore, and they even told me they miss it. That has completely astounded me.

I got the idea for this post on a blog I have started reading recently. (Maybe if I didn’t spend so much time reading other blogs, I might be more likely to write on my own, eh?) The woman who wrote the post that inspired me recently turned 40, and she wrote a list of things she’s learned about life. I thought it was such a great idea that I decided to steal it. (Not her list, just the idea). I thought it would be easy because I wouldn’t have to be all creative and flowery; I would be brief and to the point, something I am not typically very good at being when I write. I was right, and it was easy. Before I began, I worried that I might have a difficult time coming up with 50 things since my creativity seems to be on an extended holiday these days (I only hope it’s vacationing somewhere sunny where the drinks have umbrellas and the only footwear required is flip flops).

So here it is. 50 things I have learned about life. I wrote them the day after my 50th birthday, which pretty much sucked by the way.

1.      Things don’t have to be perfect to still be good.

2.      Always pay attention to the little things that can bring joy to a day or a smile to your face, even if only in a small way. Watching the sun rise, laughing at your child’s dumb jokes and savoring the smell of baking bread can help focus your mind on things other than problems and difficulties for a moment.

3.      Some battles aren’t worth fighting. It really IS important to not sweat the small stuff!

4.      The most glorious days begin with drinking coffee on the front porch in a rocking chair while wearing pajamas.

5.      Life is too short to hold grudges.

6.      Forgiving someone isn’t the same as saying that what they did is okay.

7.      Never pass up an opportunity to let someone know how much you cherish and love them.

8.      There are more essential things in life than having a perfectly spic and span house.

9.      Crying doesn’t mean you are weak. It means you are strong and courageous enough to trust someone else to treat you and your intense emotions with loving care.

10.  Many clouds do indeed have silver linings, but not all of them do.

11.  Everything most definitely does not happen for a reason.

12.  Telling someone that has experienced a tragedy that “everything happens for a reason” will likely make that person want to punch you in the face.  

13.  The best things in life aren’t things. The best things in life are the people you meet and the experiences you have.

14.  Buying yourself a $5 bouquet of colorful flowers at the grocery store can brighten any gloomy day.

15.  Walking in your home at  the end of a long, crazy, maybe even very bad day, taking off your bra, putting on pjs and sitting down with a cup of tea has magical powers.

16.  Don’t be envious of things other people have that you don’t. There will always be people better off than you, but there will also always be people who are envious of what you have.

17.  Take risks. Yes, it is scary, but also necessary.

18.  Do not judge people—things are not always what they appear to be, and you never know the “real” story.

      19.  Doing things for others can bring joy to your life and a spring to your step when you are        feeling down.

20.  Sometimes, you just gotta laugh.

       21.  Just because something is expensive or a name brand, that doesn’t mean it is the best.

22.  Saying that your child will never do ______ before you have children is a sure way to guarantee that they will indeed do that very thing.

       23.  When the summer sun is baking you and your yard and your plants and you haven’t had rain in weeks, it will rain the night your child leaves his brand new shoes out in the backyard.

         24.  Never pass up the opportunity to do something kind for someone else.

 25.  There are times when “good enough” really is good enough.

 26.  Don’t let your crystal and china gather dust in the china cabinet. Use them! Serving dessert on your aunt’s crystal plates and making iced tea in your grandmother’s pink depression glass pitcher can make the ordinary more festive.

Hey, I’m halfway there, and it only took me 30 minutes to come up with my list so far! I suspect the next 25 may be harder to think of, but I am determined!

27.  Don’t ever let anyone tell you that you aren’t good at art.

28.  Never pass up the opportunity to get to know someone that it might seem you have nothing in common with. You might be pleasantly surprised.

29.  It’s okay to be sad about losing something or someone while at the same time feeling gratitude for what that loss eventually brought to your life.

30.  There are people out there for whom nothing will ever be good enough or measure up. The sooner you accept that, the happier you will be.

31.  When unexpected things fall into your life, make use of them however you can, even if they are not-so-good things.

32.  It is perfectly okay if not everyone likes you.

33.  It is perfectly okay if you don’t like everyone.

34.  There is nothing wrong with saying no.

35.  Bloom where you are planted. (stolen from one of my favorite artists, Mary Engelbreit).

36.  True friends are hard to come by. If you are lucky enough to find them, treasure them.

37.  It is impossible not to smile when you are watching a kitten play.

38.  If you wait until you have enough money to do ________, you will never have enough money to do ______.


39.  When problems threaten to overwhelm you, always ask yourself:  Will this matter in 6 months or a year? If the answer is no, let it go. If it is yes, figure out what to do about it and how to live with it.

40.  Before you get married, ask your future mother in law what things your future spouse did that made her say, “I hope that someday, you have a child just like you!” Even though you may have been a perfect, wonderful child yourself, your spouse’s karma may come back to bite you in the disguise of paying your spouse back for his/her past sins.


Only TEN more! I can do this!


41.  Your best will always be good enough.

42.  The grass is definitely not always greener on the other side of the fence.

43.  Always forgive yourself and always learn from your mistakes. When you know better, do better.

44.  Rainbows that brighten the sky, or your life, after a storm don’t negate the damage the storm did, they simply bring some light and beauty to the damage the storm left in its wake.

45.  God doesn’t always open a window when he closes a door. Sometimes, you have to shove the window open yourself. Or break down the door. You may need a sledgehammer.

46.  Sometimes, life just really and truly sucks and there is nothing you can do about it.

47.  Every so often, you just have to say “shit!” out loud, even if people can hear you.

       48.  The only person you can change is you.

49.  If your heart tells you it is the right thing to do, it is.

50.  Take time to remember what you loved when you were a child.
51. I am adding one more...don't ever  get all cocky and think you you have this computer/blog/technology thing all figured out because  as soon as you do, you will do something stupid, that you don't even know you did, that will make your perfectly lined up list go all wonky and out of order.
What I found interesting as I wrote this list is that many of the above items would not have been on a list when I turned 40--if I had written such a list. I guess one really does become wiser with age. Wiser and more in tune with what is truly important.

Until next time...

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