Saturday, July 27, 2013

Where in the World are Rose, Lauren and Rachel?

Our fly by the seat of our pants trip to wherever we end up has so far turned into a fly by the seat of our pants trip to….
No where.
Yep, no where. We haven’t even left home yet. Our suitcases, cooler and sweatshirts are sitting by the front door where they have been since 3 yesterday afternoon. 

Tony was supposed to be home at 4, and for the first time probably ever in my adult life, I was ready to go early. That’s how excited I was/am to get this show on the road. We were waiting for Tony to get home because my car pretty much sucks so we are taking his car.

At 4:01, Rachel excitedly said, “I thought you said Dad was going to be home at 4! Where is he?”

At 4:15, he called and said he couldn’t leave work until 4:30, he wanted to get the oil changed, and he wouldn’t be home until after 5.

At 5:01, Lauren and Rachel both tried to call to see where he was. He didn’t answer, and they were pissed.
(At least I know they are excited for our adventure and have gotten over being pissed off at me. That’s a very good thing, because they were really super pissed at me when our Florida plans didn’t work out).

At 6:00, Tony called, finally, after numerous texts and calls from the girls went unanswered, to tell me that he wanted to put new tires on the car before we go. Great, where do you get the special tires that Tony’s car has on it on a Friday night? Answer: you don’t. We had to wait until this morning for that.

It’s now Saturday at 10 AM. The car is waiting at Jiffy Lube for tires that haven’t yet arrived, and my level of frustration is rising. Rachel is convinced we aren’t going. She is once again pissed because her friends are going to Six Flags today, and she is just sure we aren’t going on our trip now. She is driving me bonkers and asking me every 5 minutes when the car is going to be ready, or if it’s not ever ready, will I drive her to Six Flags.

UGH. So much for being spontaneous.

I sure hope our actual trip turns out better than just getting it started has turned out. I swore to myself I was going to blog about our adventures and fun. I only hope I have something to actually blog about. 

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