Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I know I've written about some pretty boring things on this blog...painted toenails, socks, clouds...I'm sure I'm missing some. This will join the ranks of the boring posts. Today I'm going to write about laundry and how I have not ONE dirty piece of laundry in the house. Well, other than the clothes on our bodies that in a few hours will become dirty laundry. That is my awesome thing about today...no dirty laundry. That so rarely happens in this house. I usually consider myself "caught up" on laundry if I only have 2 or 3 loads in the laundry room.

The reason that I'm caught up for once is not awesome though. The reason I am caught up is because I spent part of the afternoon at the laundromat. And the reason I spent part of the afternoon at the laundromat is because my dryer is either on vacation or a permanent hiatus. I won't know which it is until Tony gets home later and checks it out. If what he thinks is wrong is indeed what's wrong, we will be dryer shopping this weekend. Not awesome.

This will be a post without photographs because I doubt anyone wants to see a picture of my baskets of laundry. While I have no dirty laundry in the house, I do have 7 baskets of clean folded clothes sitting in the upstairs hallway waiting to be put away. The kids will be doing that when they get home since most of it belongs to them. I doubt putting away laundry will be an awesome part of their day, but oh well.


  1. That seriously stinks!!! Hope he was able to fix it.

  2. Too funny, Jill...when I saw I had all these comments on my blog posts, I thought to myself "Oh, Jill must be back from her holiday break!" LOL

    He was actually...there was a SOCK stuck in the motor. NO idea how it got there.
