Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Day 4...

Why is this so hard already?

I'm writing early today because I am so tired I can barely keep myself awake and it's only 7 pm. I was tempted to not write at all today, but I have a certain friend who will remain unnamed who has already written me when I don't post. I'm grateful that she does because I told her before I started doing this that I wanted her to keep on it. Thanks potato chip! :)

I've not done anything special today, I will shamefully admit. I've had a rough day. I'm not going to write why because I'm supposed to be being POS-I-TIVE.

I am thankful for a couple of things today, and that is going to be my "dance." Being grateful. Because I really can't muster up anything else.

First of all, when Rachel asked what was for dinner, and I told her, she replied with "Oh, that's my favorite! Can S---stay for dinner?" S was here swimming, and Rachel was so excited when I told her she could stay for dinner. I just made her day. With 4 hungry teenagers and a hungry husband, it's not often that I can have spur of the moment dinner guests since my kids alone usually inhale whatever I've made for dinner 2.3 seconds after I tell them dinner is ready.

Second of all, lots of good news at work today. There is a not for profit organization called I Love St. Charles, and they chose Share to do some work for. So they are coming to our office on Saturday to tuckpoint our brick, put on new siding, fix our roof, and paint inside. Our office is in an old house, and it has many problems, that we as a not for profit on a limited budget cannot afford to fix. Squirrels and wasps love it but we don't. We just never know what we are going to encounter each day. My office has a wall that is brick, which is lovely, but it also allows wasps easy access. Soooo...on Saturday, this organization is bringing 50 volunteers to spruce up our office, and we are all so excited! We are going to bring the workers food, which I'm also excited about. Since I relieve my stress by baking, I can bake, but not have to eat what I bake. Bonus!

I'm also grateful that all of my kids are here right now, and it's quiet! No one is arguing, no one is yelling, no one is demanding my one is handing me a pile of smelly running clothes to wash...

On other thing...Deb, one of my coworkers, emailed me today to tell me that she made me homemade pesto. I LOVE pesto, especially I can't wait to go to work tomorrow so I can get it.

I haven't come up with what else I'm grateful for today, but I will! I could more easily come up with the bad things about today, but I will not.


  1. Keep going girl! You are doing a great job at this. :o)

    I'm glad your van is working, that is something to be grateful for!

    Love your pictures too.

  2. Absolutely nothing shameful in admitting that you are having a rough day. Please see my PM on FB for a better understanding. We all have bad days. Just have to remember to keep picking yourself up when we do. I love the quote, "Keep Calm and Carry On". Seriously sometimes there is nothing we can do about a situation, so that is some good advice. Have you seen it before? WWII poster for the people in England. When I heard what it was for, meant that much more.

    Well I am actually going to the grocery store now which I see as an accomplishment. Will chat soon :-)
