Thursday, September 30, 2010

This week has been:


That's why I haven't written this week. No energy to write. No time to write. Nothing good to write about.

I haven't baked.
I haven't read a book. Well, I did, but a paragraph in, I'd fall asleep.
I've barely cooked. I've fed my family awful dinners. Last night was hotdogs and cheese potato casserole. Well, the cheese potato casserole wasn't awful...I wanted to serve hot dogs and chips, but made the casserole to balance out the horrible hotdogs. Tonight was even worse: Grilled cheese and canned tomato soup.

I have however:

*Let the laundry pile and pile and pile up. It's clean, but in way too many baskets in my bedroom. Can't believe I'm admitting that. And you know what? I really don't even care. So there. NO, I will not be showing you a picture of that!

*Gotten out a few of my fall decorations. I love decorating for fall.

*Gotten more accomplished at work than I think I have ever accomplished in one week.

*Listened to girl number 2 practice a song on her clarinet that she had to play for jazz band tryouts so many times that I wanted to break the thing over my knee. I didn't. Only because I remembered the $150 I just spent on it a couple of weeks ago.

*Been subjected to daily reports and visual inspections of my son's foot that has a huge plantars wart, blisters, and a swollen toe joint. Looking at this foot of his would be enough to make any sane person never ever want to take up running. All I can say is ICK. I finally told him this morning that if he keeps making me look at his gross foot, I'm going to throw up on it. He thinks his gross foot is "cool." It's like it's some badge of honor or something. (For the record, he doesn't want to do anything to it that needs to be done...such as plantar wart removal...until after cross country season is over in a few weeks because it will cause him to not be able to run at all while it heals. He told me he is tough, and he will deal with it. I told him that dealing with it means that he shouldn't have to make his squeamish mother look at it every day. Shudder...

*watched a repeat of Oprah at 2 am that was about a woman who used to be a man and while she was still a man, froze his sperm, then after he became a she, met and fell in love with a woman who was later inseminated with his frozen sperm. Whew. Pretty heavy for 2 am, but I am getting sick of watching Family Matters and MASH, so I channel surfed looking for something else. Maybe it's time for an Ambien prescription. Although I'm too frightened of the things I've read that people do while they are asleep after taking Ambien. If it would make me sleep clean my house, I'd be all for it, though.

Is this the most pointless thing you've ever read?

No "dancing in the rain" for me this week. Sorry.

I won't probably post here again for a while, so don't worry. Like anyone really would...I have a crazy busy weekend, and then early Sunday morning, I'm heading east with my boss. We are going to Vermont and Massachussets to teach some workshops, and I am so excited I can't hardly stand it. In Vermont, we are staying in an inn, and I hear from our host that we will get to see some beautiful fall color. And that Bob Newhart theme keeps rolling through my MA, we are staying at our hosts in laws country home, and again, I am hoping for some beautiful fall photo ops. And then, the best part, I am going to spend the weekend with my very dearest friend who I haven't seen in nearly a year. Sooo...once I get myself through THIS week, all will be well and good in my world.

Now, I'm going to go clean out my refrigerator.

1 comment:

  1. You are so funny. I am going to miss your blog while you are gone. I hope you have a wonderful time on your trip. Seems like such a great time of year for it.

    Oh and BTW, I think getting out fall decorations is something to dance about!!
